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Turkmenistan News Today. In Turkmenistan, the media landscape is predominantly state-controlled and newspapers are largely government-operated. The major newspapers in ...
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Asia News Today – History of Newspaper Publishing
Main articles: Print media in India, Japanese newspapers, and History of Chinese newspapers
During the Tang Dynasty in China (618–906), the Kaiyuan Za Bao published the government news; it was blocked-printed onto paper. It is sometimes considered one of the earliest newspapers to be published.
The first recorded attempt to find a newspaper of the modern type in South Asia was by William Bolts, a Dutchman in the employ of the British East India Company, in September 1768 in Calcutta. However, before he could begin his newspaper, he was deported back to Europe. In 1780 the first newsprint from this region, Hicky’s Bengal Gazette, was published by an Irishman, James Augustus Hickey. He used it to criticize the British rule through journalism.
The Jobo, which is discussed in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, is published in 1577 as a privately run commercial newspaper. It was printed daily, and covered a range of topics, including weather, constellations, and current affairs. In 2017, a Korean monk claimed to have discovered an extant copy of the Jobo.
History of newspapers in the Middle East
The history of Middle Eastern newspapers goes back to the 19th century. Many editors were not only journalists but also writers, philosophers and politicians.
With unofficial journals, these intellectuals encouraged public discourse on politics in the Ottoman and Persian Empires. Literary works of all genres were serialized and published in the press as well.
The first newspapers in the Ottoman Empire were owned by foreigners living there who wanted to make propaganda about the Western world.
The earliest was printed in 1795 by the Palais de France in Pera. Indigenous Middle Eastern journalism started in 1828, when Muhammad Ali, Khedive of Egypt, ordered the local establishment of the gazette Vekayi-i Misriye (Egyptian Affairs). It was the first paper written in Ottoman Turkish and Arabic on opposite pages, and later in Arabic only, under the title “al-Waqa’i’a al-Masriya”.
The first non-official Turkish newspaper, Ceride-i Havadis (Register of Events), was published by an Englishman, William Churchill, in 1840.
The first private newspaper to be published by Turkish journalists, Tercüman-ı Ahvâl (Interpreter of Events), was founded by İbrahim Şinasi and Agah Efendi and issued in 1860.
The first newspaper in Iran, Kaghaz-e Akhbar (The Newspaper), was created for the government by Mirza Saleh Shirazi in 1837. The first journals in the Arabian Peninsula appeared in Hijaz, once it had become independent of Ottoman rule, towards the end of World War I. One of the earliest women to sign her articles in the Arab press was the female medical practitioner, Galila Tamarhan, who contributed articles to a medical magazine called “Ya’asub al-Tib” (Leader in Medicine) in the 1860s.
The Asian Age In February 1994, India’s global newspaper, The Asian Age, was launched simultaneously from Delhi, Mumbai and London. Today, it has editions in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and London. It has come a long way since its inception, and has already established itself within the competitive environment of Indian media as a daily to reckon with. It is, also, the only Indian newspaper, with an international edition (London). READ MORE
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Asia News Today – Look at the Latest Asian News– World News Today
Iraq News Today. Read the latest Iraqi news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Iraq. Newspapers News…
Japan News Today. Read the latest Japanese news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Japan. Newspapers News…
Thailand News Today. Latest Regional and World News in Thailand. Read the latest news, written by regional journalist, watch interesting editorials and International headlines on…
Singapore News Today. Read the latest news, written by regional journalists, watch interesting editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Singapore. Newspapers News…