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The Daily Star was one of the Lebanese newspapers which were close to SAVAK, Iranian intelligence agency, during the ownership of Kamel Mrowa who was an anti-Nasserist. However, the relations with Iran ended when the newspaper’s office was attacked due to its extensive publications against Gamal Nasser, President of Egypt, and Iran recognized Israel. Out of circulation

As-Safir, was a leading Arabic-language daily newspaper in Lebanon. The headquarters of the daily was in Beirut. It was in circulation from March 1974 until December 2016. The last issue of the paper was published on 31 December 2016. The online version was also closed on the same date. Out of Circulation


In the mid-1990s, the paper had the highest circulation in Lebanon. However, its circulation in the beginning of the 2000s was 45,000 copies, making it the second after As-Safir. In 2012, the Lebanese Ministry of Information stated that An-Nahar has a circulation of 45,000 copies.
In addition to its native readers in Lebanon, the daily is read by officials, intellectuals and activists outside Lebanon.

L’Orient-Le Jour