Tunisia News Today. The last local and global news. Here you can find complete information about the main Tunisian newspapers. Bookmark the site.
The Last Local and Global News in Tunisia

La Presse de Tunisie

As a result of these protests, the newspaper transformed from being seen as propaganda for Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s government to having editorial independence from the government. However, the owner of the daily is the government of Tunisia, more specifically the state-owned company SNIPE.
In addition, the president of the paper, Mohammad Nejib Ouerghi, worked for state-owned newspapers before the deportion of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

MABAPOST – Tunisia News Today

Mohamed Ali Ben Ammar is a Tunisian freelance journalist, blogger, founder, and editor-in-chief at the online magazine MABAPOST.TN.
He received his diploma of “Workshop training in Citizen Journalism” in 2014 from BBC Media Action.

Tunisia Live


An independent magazine, it is published by Maghreb Media each Thursday. It was founded in 1979 by Taïeb Zahar and quickly became an important element of Tunisian national media.
The magazine is published weekly and offers news.It also covers investigative reports.
Following the publication of an article on prison conditions in its December 2002, issue of the staff writer was forced to leave the magazine. On 30 December 2010, during the protests, the magazine published an article praising of the family members of the former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
In 2005, an Arabic version was published. Its columnists/editors are Taïeb Zahar, Pascal Boniface, Ridha Lahmar, Hakim Ben Hammouda, Zyed Krichen and Foued Zaouche.
Its 1994 circulation was 25,000 copies. As of June 2006, the magazine had a circulation of 23,500, with 9,500 subscribers.
In 2014, its editor of the culture section, Hanene Zbiss, won the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press by the European Union for his report entitled “Quranic kindergartens in Tunisia”.
The last local and global news
Tunisia News

Agence Tunis Afrique Presse
Tunis Afrique Presse is the national press agency of Tunisia.
Founded on January 1st 1961, TAP is a public service and the first official source of news in Tunisia. It provides coverage of political, economic, social, cultural and sports activities in all objectivity, neutrality and reliability.

Tunisie info, actualité , titres de journaux tunisiens, météo,informations sociales, politiques, sportives,culturelles

News de Tunisie. Tuniscope est un portail web communautaire et généraliste tunisien focalisé sur l’actualité de la région de Tunis.
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