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It was founded in the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic capital of Balta in 1924, under the name Plugarul Roșu («Плугарул рош», lit. Red Ploughman). In 1930, it moved to Tiraspol, and was renamed to the name it would have during the remainder of the Soviet period, Moldova Socialistă («Молдова сочиалистэ»). It was printed in Chișinău, in the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, from 1940, with the exception of 1941 to 1944, when it was printed in Moscow. It was renamed Moldova Suverenă upon the country’s independence.

Launched as a weekly on September 21, 2001, Timpul became a daily in October 2005 (the only daily Romanian newspaper). As of March 2009, Timpulchanged their logo and their website. It targets a Romanian speaking readership in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, as well as the expatriates of the Moldovan diaspora. Timpul is a noted proponent of liberal, anticommunist and independent political views.