
Zambia News Today

Zambia News Today. Latest Local and World News. Check out the news, videos and photos of the most relevant events and their protagonists.

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Zambian Watchdog – Zambia News Today

Latest Local and World News in Zambia - Zambian Watchdog
The Zambian Watchdog is an investigative online media platform that focuses on corruption and other major crimes, such as drug trafficking in Zambia. It also contains breaking news on politics and major events in Zambia. The Zambian Watchdog was founded as a newspaper with an online edition, but was forced into exile in 2009 and subsequently closed its printed newspaper.
Journalists for the newspaper operate undercover and anonymously in Zambia, but the editors lived in exile due to threats in their lives.
The government has censored inside Zambia its official site and multiple linking pages to the posts, restricting the human right of freedom of speech. After the controversial 2016 presidential elections, the PF government blocked the Zambian Watchdog Facebook page. This was done after claims by the government that the Watchdog was inciting violence in the country through false and unprofessional reports, particularly claiming it supported the opposition UPND.
Journalists writing for the Zambian Watchdog frequently face state-sponsored persecution. Some are currently attending court trials on what they trumped human rights bodies, and local media associations claim up charges in a move perceived as state retribution.
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Out of circulation

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Out of Circulation

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Times of Zambia

Sunday Times.
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Zambia 24

Zambia 24 – Zambia’s leading Online News website | Zambia 24 is Zambia’s leading Online News website
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Zambia Daily Mail

The Zambia Daily Mail is an English-language daily broadsheet newspaper published in Zambia. It is one of two state-owned papers of the Zambian government.
The paper soon became a mouthpiece for the government, publishing official statements and press releases, while being instructed to become an “instrument in nation building”. Zambia News Today

Latest Local and World News in Zambia

Zambia News


Mwebantu is a national news agency headquartered in Lusaka and is the leading online news website and social media platform in Zambia. is their flagship website which is an online based news publication catering for local Zambians and those in the diaspora


News Diggers

News Diggers! is Zambia’s first multimedia publication focused on investigative journalism. It comprises a team of experienced journalists with a blend of new and dedicated talent eager to shape the art of digital journalism.


Zambian Eye

Zambian Eye | Breaking News and Current Affairs.


Google News Zambia

Latest Local and World News in Zambia – World News Today


Uganda News Today

Uganda News Today. Latest Local and World News in Uganda. Check out the news, videos and photos of the most relevant events and their protagonists.

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Latest Local and World News in Uganda - Bukedde
Bukedde is a daily Ugandan newspaper published in Kampala, Uganda. It is the leading daily newspaper in the country for both English and Luganda papers, with an estimated daily circulation of about 33,290 copies daily.
The newspaper is published by the Vision Group, which publishes the New Vision, Uganda’s leading English daily newspaper. The publisher also circulates other dailies and weeklies in Ugandan languages, including: (a) Orumuri in Runyakitara (b) Etop in Ateso and Rupiny in Lwo. Bukedde is available in print form and on the Internet.
The newspaper was founded in 1994. It is the only newspaper in Uganda that publishes a dedicated section about the Kabaka of Buganda. The name Bukedde translates loosely into English as Morning Has Come. Uganda News Today
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The New Vision

Latest Local and World News in Uganda - New Vision
Uganda News Today. The New Vision is an Ugandan English-language newspaper published daily in print form and online.
New Vision is one of two main national English-language newspapers in Uganda, the other being the Daily Monitor. It is published by the Vision Group, which has its head office on First Street, in the Industrial Area of Kampala, Uganda’s capital and largest city in that East African country.
It was established in its current form in 1986 by the Ugandan government. It was founded in 1955 as the Uganda Argus, a British colonial government publication. Between 1962 and 1971, the first Obote government kept the name of its daily publication as Uganda Argus. Following the rise to power of Idi Amin in 1971, the government paper was renamed Voice of Uganda. When Amin was deposed in 1979, the second Obote government named its paper Uganda Times. When the National Resistance Movement seized power in 1986, the name of the daily newspaper was changed to New Vision. The Uganda Argus and its successors always presented as the “official” newspaper of the government in power.
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Daily Monitor

The Daily Monitor is a Ugandan independent daily newspaper. Its name is shared by the Saturday Monitor and Sunday Monitor, which are also published by Monitor Publications Limited. Daily Monitor averaged a daily circulation of 24,230 newspapers in September 2011. By the fourth quarter of 2019, that figure had dropped to 16,169 copies daily. Uganda News Today
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Red Pepper

Latest Local and World News in Uganda - Red Pepper
Uganda News Today. Red Pepper is a daily tabloid newspaper in Uganda that began publication on 19 June 2001. Mirroring tabloid styles in other countries, the paper is known for its mix of sensationalism, scandal, and frequent nudity. The paper has received the ire of the Ugandan government for publishing conspiracy theories relating to the death of Sudan’s Vice President John Garang in a helicopter crash and revealing that former foreign minister James Wapakhabulo died of AIDS.
In August 2006, Red Pepper published the first names and occupations of prominent Ugandan men whom it asserted were gay. This decision was sharply criticized by Human Rights Watch, which said that the publishing could have exposed the men to government harassment because homosexuality in Uganda remained illegal. The following month, Red Pepper published a similar list of 13 women whom it claimed were lesbians.
In an interview published in May 2009, the news editor of Red Pepper, Ben Byarabaha, vowed that the tabloid would continue its campaign against alleged homosexuals by publishing their names, photographs, and addresses.
In September 2012, they sued the newspaper about its published nude photo of an herbalist
Latest Local and World News in Uganda
The Weekly Observer is a Ugandan weekly newspaper headquartered in Kamwokya, Kampala. It is one of the largest privately owned papers in the country co-founded by maverick journalist John Kevin Aliro and nine other directors. In 2007, its reporter Richard M Kavuma won the CNN Multichoice African Journalist of the Year award.The newspaper was founded in 2004 and celebrated 10 years of existence in March 2014.

Uganda News Today – Latest Local and World News in Uganda

New Vision


Weekly Observer

Red Pepper



Chimp Reports‎

Nile Post‎

Soft Power


PML Daily

Big Eye


Watchdog News

Newslex Point

Chano 8

Ugandan Diaspora




Uganda Online


Uganda Business News

256 Business News

Uganda Media Centre


East African Business Week

Radio One

‎Flash Uganda Media

Buganda Watch‎

‎Uganda News

Uganda News

The Independent

The newspaper covers general and business news. It also has dedicated sections for news analysis, Eastern African regional news and a features section. It comes out in glossy print, but it is also available on the Internet. It is published in English only.


Chimp Reports

Your Preferred Source of Instant News from Uganda & East Africa. Uganda News Today


Nile Post

The Nile Post is Uganda’s and East Africa’s leading independent online news portal on politics, investigations, business and breaking news. Our journalism is in-depth, objective, non-partisan and is delivered in an authoritative manner.


Google News Uganda

Uganda News Today – Recent Global News


Tunisia News Today

Tunisia News Today. The last local and global news. Here you can find complete information about the main Tunisian newspapers. Bookmark the site.

The Last Local and Global News in Tunisia

La Presse de Tunisie

Latest Local and World News in Tunisia - lapresse
La Presse de Tunisie was founded in 1934 by Henri Smadja, a Tunisian and French Jewish doctor and lawyer, born in Tunisia, who went on to become the owner of the daily newspaper Combat. The paper, based in Tunis, was close to the Constitutional Democratic Rally. Its sister paper is Arabic newspaper Assahafah. Before the 2010-2011 Tunisian protests La Presse de Tunisie was published by a state-owned publishing company.
As a result of these protests, the newspaper transformed from being seen as propaganda for Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s government to having editorial independence from the government. However, the owner of the daily is the government of Tunisia, more specifically the state-owned company SNIPE.
In addition, the president of the paper, Mohammad Nejib Ouerghi, worked for state-owned newspapers before the deportion of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

MABAPOST – Tunisia News Today

Latest Local and World News in Tunisia - MABAPOST
Tunisia News Today. Mohamed Ali Ben Ammar | Editor-in-chief
Mohamed Ali Ben Ammar is a Tunisian freelance journalist, blogger, founder, and editor-in-chief at the online magazine MABAPOST.TN.
He received his diploma of “Workshop training in Citizen Journalism” in 2014 from BBC Media Action.

Tunisia Live

Latest Local and World News in Tunisia - Tunisialive- Out of Circulation
At Tunisia Live it’s all about news as the events unfold around us. Tunisia Live is a news portal dedicated to the North African country of Tunisia. Here, authors have the utmost goal of provided quality and informative stories from Tunisia. The goal is to report news covering the state in politics, culture, sports, technology, agriculture and many other sectors of human endeavors. The North African region cannot claim to be totally free from all vices including unemployment, poor governance, conflicts, and natural disasters. In the midst of all negatives, Tunisia has waxed strong in areas of telecoms, democratic governance, energy, and social amenities and other sectors of the economy. Tunisia News Today


Latest Local and World News in Tunisia - Réalités
Réalités is a weekly French-language Tunisian news magazine.
An independent magazine, it is published by Maghreb Media each Thursday. It was founded in 1979 by Taïeb Zahar and quickly became an important element of Tunisian national media.
The magazine is published weekly and offers news.It also covers investigative reports.
Following the publication of an article on prison conditions in its December 2002, issue of the staff writer was forced to leave the magazine. On 30 December 2010, during the protests, the magazine published an article praising of the family members of the former President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.
In 2005, an Arabic version was published. Its columnists/editors are Taïeb Zahar, Pascal Boniface, Ridha Lahmar, Hakim Ben Hammouda, Zyed Krichen and Foued Zaouche.
Its 1994 circulation was 25,000 copies. As of June 2006, the magazine had a circulation of 23,500, with 9,500 subscribers.
In 2014, its editor of the culture section, Hanene Zbiss, won the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press by the European Union for his report entitled “Quranic kindergartens in Tunisia”.

The last local and global news

Tunisia News

Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

Tunis Afrique Presse is the national press agency of Tunisia.
Founded on January 1st 1961, TAP is a public service and the first official source of news in Tunisia. It provides coverage of political, economic, social, cultural and sports activities in all objectivity, neutrality and reliability.



Tunisie info, actualité , titres de journaux tunisiens, météo,informations sociales, politiques, sportives,culturelles


News de Tunisie. Tuniscope est un portail web communautaire et généraliste tunisien focalisé sur l’actualité de la région de Tunis.


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Tunisia News Today – World News Today


Togo News Today

Togo News Today. Latest Local and World News. Check out the news, videos and photos of the most relevant events and their protagonists.

Togo – Presse – Togo News Today

Togo News Today. Togo-presses

Latest Local and World News

Togo News​

Togo Breaking News

Togo Breaking News (Home), meilleur information, actualités, nouvelles, togo-info, Lomé-info, togo-news, politique, société, sport, fait-divers, all-info.


Togo Country Profile

Provides overview, key facts and events, timelines and leader profiles along with current news about Togo. Togo News Today


Portail togolais par excellence. Togo News Today


Togo, a West African nation on the Gulf of Guinea, is known for its palm-lined beaches and hilltop villages. Catamarca, inhabited by the Batammariba people, is a traditional settlement of fortresslike clay huts dating to the 17th century. In the capital, Lomé is the multistory Grand Marché bazaar and the Fetish Market, offering traditional talismans and remedies relating to the vodun (voodoo) religion.

Togo is probably one of the nicest places in Western Africa. Roads are pretty good, distances small, beaches sandy and white, people friendly, hills and mountains waiting to be explored. What else do you need?

The capital city Lomé is an excellent place to start your trip. Lots of daytrips can be made to Togoville on the borders of Lake Togo or Aneho.

When you go north Kpalime and its beautiful hilly surroundings deserve a visit; trekking and hiking in the area is wonderful.

Continue further north if you are into hiking. Kara is the place to go. Nearby is Tamberma Valley, which has intriguing castle like structures known as Tatas.

The national parks of Fazao and Keran offer good opportunities to view wildlife.

In an 1884 treaty signed at Togoville, Germany declared a protectorate over a stretch of territory along the coast and gradually extended its control inland.

This became the German colony Togoland, in 1905. After the German defeat during World War I in August 1914 at the hands of British troops (coming from the Gold Coast) and the French troops (coming from Dahomey), Togoland became a two League of Nations mandates, administered by the United Kingdom and France. After World War II, these mandates became UN Trust Territories.

The residents of British Togoland voted to join the Gold Coast as part of the newly independent nation of Ghana, and French Togoland became an autonomous republic within the French Union.

Togo’s size is just less than 57,000 square kilometres. It has a population of more than 7 million people, which is dependent mainly on agriculture. The mild weather makes for good growing seasons. Togo is a tropical, sub-Saharan nation.

Togo gained its independence from France in 1960. In 1967, Gnassingbé Eyadéma, the former leader of the country, led a successful military coup, after which he became President.

Eyadéma was the longest-serving leader in African history (after being president for 38 years) at the time of his death in 2005. In 2005, his son Faure Gnassingbé was elected president.

About a third of the population live below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day.


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Togo News Today – World News Today


Tanzania News Today

Tanzania News Today. Latest Local and World News. Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews, business, sports, movies, travel books, jobs, education, real estate, cars and more from online newspapers.

Latest Local and World News in Tanzania - Arusha Times

Out of circulation

The Citizen

Latest Local and World News in Tanzania - Citizen
Mwananchi Communications Ltd is a company based in Tanzania. Mwananchi Communications Ltd, engages in the print media and radio, and is the publisher of Tanzania’s leading daily newspaper, Mwananchi (in Swahili), and others such as The Citizen, Sunday Citizen, Mwananchi Jumapili, and Mwanaspoti.
The executive editor is Bakari Steven Machumu and the Mwananchi daily managing editor is Frank Sanga. Abdul Mohamed heads Mwanaspoti in Tanzania and Kenya. Sanga is regarded as the sports journalism guru in the region. His influence in sports led Kenyan media to start sports newspapers, such as Sports On and Game Yetu.Thomas Mosoba is the managing editor of The Citizen Daily, which has contributed much to socio-economic changes in Tanzania and in the region as well.
The company was established in May 1999 by Ambassador Ferdinand Ruhinda as Media Communications Ltd. But in April 2001, a new business was established (Advertising Agency & Public Relations) and a new company was formed—Mwananchi Communications Ltd. In the very same year Mwananchi Communications Ltd was acquired by the Nation Media Group[5 (NMG), which is based in Nairobi, Kenya. Tanzania News Today


Latest Local and World News in Tanzania - Daily News
The Daily News is an English-language newspaper in Tanzania, the second-largest economy in the East African Community.
The Daily News was the result of a forced merger of two papers. The Standard was first published as the Tanganyika Standard in January 1930 by the Tanganyikan East African Standard Limited. In 1967, it was taken over by a multinational London-Rhodesian Company (LONRHO). After the creation of Tanzania in 1964, the newspaper became known simply as The Standard. On 5 February 1970, The Standard was nationalised by the Tanzanian government.
The Nationalist was first published on 17 April 1964, as a government-owned daily, and struggled to compete with The Standard. On 16 January 1972, the Tanganyikan African National Union (TANU), the ruling party, decided to end the rivalry between the papers and forced a merger. The recent paper, Daily News, was first published on 26 April 1972. The company which publishes the newspaper retained the name “Standard” and is still known as Tanzania Standard (Newspapers) Limited.[1]
Daily News has a Kiswahili sister paper Habari Leo, which was established in 2007. It is in tabloid form, unlike the Daily News, which together with the Sunday News are all broadsheets. The papers are produced both in print and online. On 30 December 2011, Daily News announced its intention to launch a newly designed website. The move was aimed to extend its readership and keep abreast with the latest developments in information and Communication Technology (ICT). In May 2014, Jakaya Kikwete, the President of Tanzania, appointed Gabriel Nderumaki, as Managing Editor of Tanzania Standard (Newspapers) Limited (TSN). Tanzania News Today
Latest Local and World News in Tanzania - Express Online

Out of Circulation


Latest Local and World News in Tanzania - IPPmedia
Express Online


Latest Local and World News in Tanzania - Mwananchi

Free – Media

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Digital news fnfreemedia

Latest Local and World News in Tanzania

Tanzania News


HabariLEO. Gwiji la Habari Tanzania. Tanzania News Today



MPEKUZI. Tanzania Entertainment News, Politics News, Celebrity Gossip and Live Updates. Tanzania News Today


BONGO5 – The Hottest News, Gossip, Music and Videos!


Google News Tanzania

Tanzania News Today – World News Today


Swaziland News Today

Swaziland News Today. Latest Local and World News in Swaziland. Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews, business, sports, movies, travel books, jobs, education, real estate, cars and more from online newspapers.

Swazi Observer

Latest Local and World News in Swaziland - Eswatini Observer
Eswatini Observer (formerly Swazi Observer) is a newspaper in the Kingdom of Eswatini. It was established in 1981 and it is owned by Tibiyo Taka Ngwane, a Swazi sovereign wealth fund. The Eswatini Observer has sister newspapers, namely, the Saturday Observer, and the Sunday Observer. After the renaming of the country from Swaziland to Eswatini 2018, the newspaper also changed its name from Swazi Observer to Eswatini Observer.


Latest Local and World News in Swaziland - The Swaziland news
The Swaziland news is a newspaper that seeks to publish and give an insight of what is happening in the Kingdom of Swaziland.

Latest Local and World News in Eswatini – Swaziland News Today

Swaziland News

BBC News

We’re impartial and independent, and every day we create distinctive, world-class programs and content which inform, educate and entertain millions of people in the UK and around the world.



The Times Of Swaziland is an independent Publisher of Swaziland Local new. The new paper has run since 1968 and is Swaziland’s leader in the deliver printed news.
The print edition is printed daily with a circulation of over 300,000.


Google News Eswatini

Eswatini, officially the Kingdom of Eswatini, sometimes written in English as eSwatini, and formerly and still commonly known in English as Swaziland, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa.

It is bordered by Mozambique to its northeast and South Africa to its north, west, and south. At no more than 200 kilometres (120 mi) north to south and 130 kilometres (81 mi) east to west, Eswatini is one of the smallest countries in Africa; despite this, its climate and topography are diverse, ranging from a cool and mountainous highveld to a hot and dry lowveld.

Eswatini news today- World News Today


Sudan News Today

Sudan News Today. Latest Local and World News. Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews, business, sports, movies, travel books, jobs, education, real estate, cars and more from online newspapers.

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Arabic Media

Latest-Local-and-World-News-in-Sudan-Arabic-Media. Sudan News Today
Arabic Media
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Latest Local and World News in Sudan - Al Sudani. Sudan News Today
Al-Sudani is an Arabic daily newspaper.
Al Sudani was established in 1980 and the Carnegie Endowment gives its 2004 circulation 305,000 copies.
Its headquarters is in Khartoum.
Al Sudani is described as a paper which claims to be independent, but is known to be supported by the regime of the country. However, the paper has been suspended by the Sudanese authorities in different periods and its editor-in-chief and another journalist writing for the paper were arrested in 2006.
Latest Local and World News in Sudan

Sudanese Online

Sudan News Today is a Phoenix-Arizona-USA based online website towards the Sudanese-American community and Sudanese around the World. has been Sudan’s premier  news and views website  since 1999.Our site has been a premier news and view  resource as well and blog for Sudanese in the diaspora. Our main focus has been the political and socioeconomic climate in Sudan.  It has been recognized by the Library of Congress and ICC.
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Al Sadda

Latest Local and World News in Sudan - Al Sadda

Al Sadda is a daily sports newspaper published in Sudan. In September 2011, the paper, along with five other sports newspapers, was suspended by the Sudan Press Council for alleged violation of press law.

Latest Local and World News in Sudan

Sudan News

Alintibaha Newspaper

Sudanese regional and international news.


Sudan Tribune

Sudan Tribune is an electronic news portal on Sudan and South Sudan and neighboring countries, including news coverage, analyses and commentary, official reports and press releases from various organizations, and maps


Sudan News

Sudan News publishes the urgent political, direct, economic and technical news, moment by moment, and from all sites every minute new news


The Sudan, officially the Republic of the Sudan, is a country in Northeast Africa. It is bordered by Egypt to the north, Libya to the northwest, Chad to the west, the Central African Republic to the southwest, South Sudan to the south, Ethiopia to the southeast, Eritrea to the east, and the Red Sea to the northeast.

Sudan has a population of 44.91 million people as of 2021 and occupies 1,886,068 square kilometres (728,215 square miles), making it Africa’s third-largest country by area and also the third-largest by area in the Arab league.

It was also the largest country by area in Africa and the Arab league until the secession of South Sudan in 2011, since which Algeria has held both titles.

Google News

Sudan News Today – World News Today


South Sudan News Today

South Sudan News Today. Latest Local and World News. Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews, business, sports, movies, travel books, jobs, education, real estate, cars and more from online newspapers.

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Latest Local and World News in South Sudan - The New Nation

The New Nation. Out of Circulation

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Latest Local and World News in South Sudan - The Citizen
The Citizen is a newspaper based in Juba, the national capital of South Sudan and the state capital of Central Equatoria.
The newspaper was first founded during the second period of autonomy for what was then known as Southern Sudan, the ten states in the deep south of the Republic of the Sudan, in 2006. It became South Sudan’s largest newspaper when the country formally declared independence on 9 July 2011. The newspaper employs close to 50 people, but only about half of them are full-time employees. The Citizen relies on stringers to cover much of the country, with its full-time reporters concentrated in Juba and other major Equatorial cities and towns.
The Citizen has recently started publishing their articles online on their website. Sudan Tribune.
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Sudan Tribune

South Sudan News Today - Sudan Tribune
The Sudan Tribune is an electronic news portal on Sudan and South Sudan and neighboring countries, including news coverage, analyses and commentary, official reports and press releases from various organizations, and maps. It is based in Paris, France, and run by a team of Sudanese and international editors and journalists. The Sudan Tribune claims to have had over 5 million page views in 2005 and more than 12 million page views (almost a million absolute unique visitors) in 2008. Sudan Tribune.

Latest Local and World News

South Sudan News

Radio Tamazuj

Radio Tamazuj is a daily news service and current affairs broadcaster covering South Sudan, the southern states of Sudan, and the borderlands between the two countries. Our typical programming includes reporting and discussion of politics, governance, peace-building, law, justice, culture, economy, education, gender, and human rights.


BBC News

We’re impartial and independent, and every day we create distinctive, world-class programs and content which inform, educate and entertain millions of people in the UK and around the world.


All Africa

AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa – aggregating, producing and distributing 600 news and information items daily from over 100 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and global public. We operate from Cape Town, Dakar, Abuja, Johannesburg, Nairobi and Washington DC.


South Sudan, officially known as the Republic of South Sudan, is a landlocked country in east/central Africa. It is bordered to the east by Ethiopia, to the north by Sudan, to the west by the Central African Republic, to the southwest by Democratic Republic of the Congo, to the south by Uganda and to the southeast by Kenya.

Google News South Sudan

World News Today


South Africa News Today

South Africa News Today – A Comprehensive News Source
South Africa News Today provides the latest updates on local and global events, offering a wide range of coverage to keep readers informed. The platform offers breaking news, multimedia content and in-depth reviews on topics affecting everyday life in South Africa. Be it politics, business or entertainment, the site covers it all.
In addition to hard news, South Africa News Today offers valuable information on sports, movies, travel and books, and attracts a diverse audience. Business professionals can find updates on the markets and economy, while job seekers can access job opportunities. The platform also serves those interested in real estate, automobiles and education, offering resources and guides to make informed decisions.
With its extensive coverage of local and international news, South Africa News Today is a comprehensive information source that caters to diverse interests. Whether you want to stay updated on the latest headlines, follow sporting events or explore new travel destinations, this platform ensures that you are always in the know. Its multimedia approach, combined with in-depth reporting, makes it a go-to destination for news and more.

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Daily Sun – South Africa News Today

Latest Local and World News in South Africa - Daily Sun
Daily Sun is the biggest daily newspaper in South Africa. With sales in Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and Northwest provinces, the national expansion of the paper to KwaZulu-Natal, Free State and the Eastern Cape will add to the existing circulation. Daily Sun targets readers in and around the major urban centres of South Africa. These readers are predominantly black, English-literate with a high school or greater education, and working-class earners – the economic core of South Africa.
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The Sowetan

Latest Local and World News in South Africa - The Sowetan
The Sowetan is an English language, South African daily newspaper that started in 1981 as a liberation struggle newspaper and was freely distributed to households in the then apartheid-segregated township of Soweto, Johannesburg, Gauteng Province. Currently, The Sowetan is one of the largest national newspapers in South Africa. Regarded as having a left-leaning editorial tone
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Beeld – South Africa News Today

Latest Local and World News in South Africa - Beeld
Beeld is an Afrikaans language daily newspaper that was launched on September 1974. Beeld is distributed in five provinces of South Africa: Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, North West and KwaZulu-Natal. Die Beeld (English: The Image) was an Afrikaans language Sunday newspaper in the late 1960s. It is the largest Afrikaans language newspaper in South Africa Its slogan is Jou wêreld, Jou koerant (English: Your world, your newspaper), and is owned by Naspers.
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Business Day

Latest Local and World News in South Africa - Business Day
Business Day is a daily national business newspaper published in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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City Press – South Africa News Today

Latest Local and World News in South Africa - City Press
City Press is a Sunday newspaper that is aimed at black readers and is the third biggest selling newspaper in South Africa. City Press is distributed nationally and in neighboring countries, including Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland. The newspaper was established in 1982 as the Golden City Press by Jim Bailey and the South African Associated Newspapers (SAAN) group.
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The New Age

Latest Local and World News in South Africa - The New Age
The New Age newspaper is a South African national daily newspaper, owned and operated by TNA Media (Pty) Ltd. TNA Media was established in June 2010 and the first publication of The New Age was in December 2010. The New Age covers news from all nine provinces, along with national events, Op-Ed columns, politics, Africa and International news, sports, business, entertainment, lifestyle, science and technology. It is affordable, relevant, easy to read and to the point. South Africa News Today
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The Sunday Independent

Latest Local and World News in South Africa - The Sunday Independent
The Sunday Independent is a weekly English language newspaper owned by Independent News & Media and published in South Africa.
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Latest Local and World News in South Africa - The Sunday Times
TimesLIVE – South Africa’s second-biggest news website, published by Arena Holdings – is the home of the group’s Sunday Times newspaper and daily digital newsroom, providing breaking news, analysis, sport, entertainment and lifestyle seven days a week. Launched in September 2009, it is edited by Makhudu Sefara, Fienie Grobler and Phumza Sokana, and our editor-in-chief are Sthembiso Msomi. South Africa News Today

Recent Local and World News in South Africa

  • Daily Sun
  • Citizen
  • Times.
  • Business Day
  • City Press
  • Witness
  • Daily News
  • Cape Times
  • Post
  • Sowetan
  • Die Burger
  • Mail & Guardian
  • Independent on Saturday
  • Mercury
  • Star
  • Cape Argus
  • Isolezwe
  • Herald 
  • Die Son
  • Dispatch
  • Alberton Record
  • Grocott’s Mail
  • Bedfordview Edenvale News
  • Soccer Laduma
  • Daily Voice
  • Lowvelder‎
  • George Herald
  • Pretoria East Rekord
  • Vaal Weekblad‎
  • Polokwane Review
  • South Coast Herald‎
  • Berea Mail
  • South Coast Sun
  • Zululand Observer
  • Potchefstroom Herald
  • ‎Krugersdorp News
  • Chatsworth Rising Sun
  • African Reporter‎
  • Jewish Report
  • Cape Business News
  • Sedibeng Ster
  • Alex News
  • Mayihlome News
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  • ‎Algoa FM
  • South Africa Today
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  • South Africa: The Good News
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  • Wits Vuvuzela
  • Yahoo South Africa news
  • SA News

South African News


Independent Online, popularly known as IOL, is one of South Africa’s leading news and information websites bringing millions of readers breaking news and updates on Politics, Current Affairs, Business, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Travel, Sport, Motoring and Technology.

IOL also hosts the digital offerings of some of the country’s most prominent newspapers including The Star and Pretoria News in Gauteng, The Cape Times and Cape Argus in the Western Cape and The Mercury and Daily News in KwaZulu-Natal as well as national business publications Business Report and Personal Finance. South Africa News Today


Alberton Record

Since 1976 , Alberton RECORD has been the voice of the Alberton community and currently delivers hyper-local high quality news and advertising messages to 38700 households In the area every Wednesday.



A Daily Zulu-language newspaper published in Durban, South Africa.


South African News Now


A tabloid style newspaper published in Afrikaans-language.


Herald LIVE

On May 7 1845, the first copy of The Herald was printed, making it the oldest newspaper in South Africa. The Herald has come a long way since that first printing day when the paper hit the streets at a cover price of a single penny.


The Witness

The Witness and, edited by Stephanie Saville, is a daily newspaper published in Pietermaritzburg. It mainly serves readers in Pietermaritzburg, Durban and the inland areas of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Previously The Natal Witness, it is the oldest continuously published newspaper in South Africa, having first been published on 27 February 1846.


Google News South Africa

Latest Local and World News in South Africa – World News Today


Somalia News Today

Somalia News Today. Latest Local and World News. Get breaking news, multimedia, reviews, business, sports, movies, travel books, jobs, education, real estate, cars and much more in online newspapers.

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Horseed Media – Somalia News Today

Latest Local and World News in Somalia - Horseed Media
Horseed Media. Horseed media was established by a dynamic and intellectually group of Somali Diaspora in The Netherlands and Finland. The purpose of Horseed, literally meaning leader, is to advocate for peace and development in Somalia while informing the public on current affairs in a balanced and non-stereotyped manner.
Since establishment, Horseed made extensive contributions in areas of social and economic development and media skills and technology.
Our regular weekly programs on the radio that is also conveyed on to the website include an hourly focus on women and family, peace, Health, human rights, business, religion, sport and literature, culture and tradition, Media and Entertainment. Horseed trained more than 10 radio journalists on contemporary radio journalism in 2008.

Hiiraan Online

Latest Local and World News in Somalia - Hiiraan Online
Hiiraan Online. Somalia News Today

Garowe Online

Latest Local and World News in Somalia - Garowe Online
Garowe Online is an independent bilingual news website founded in 2004 and is owned by the Garowe News Group, which also owns Radio Garowe. The organization is based in Garowe, the capital of Puntland State of Somalia. In 2011, Garowe Online was one of the most popular websites in Puntland, accessed daily by the Puntland political elite.
The site mainly provides news about Somalia, the Horn of Africa, Africa as a whole, and, once in a while, from around the world. It mainly focuses on security, politics and human affairs.
In 2011, the BBC described Garowe Online as providing “particularly good context to stories”, providing details for the main facts in stories, in contrast to other Somali news sources, but did sometimes use vague attribution, and failed to give a government spokesperson a chance to respond in one case. The BBC found that Garowe Online had one of the best examples of investigative reporting, but also articles with poor levels of research and investigation. Somalia News Today


Shabelle Media Network is an independent media outlet based in Mogadishu, Somalia

Latest Local and World News in Somalia

Somalia News


Support for women in leadership is high. A majority of Americans say that there should be more female leaders in politics …


Borama News

Regional news and editorials from Somalia and around the world.


Goobjoog News

GOOBJOOG MEDIA GROUP is an independent private media network in Somalia, whose charter is driven by the quest for public service journalism. This is the realization of the overarching principle of fostering peace and economic development through the media. With unparalleled access to news sources and locations across the country backed by a team of professional journalists.


Google News Somalia

Latest Local and World News in Somalia – World News Today

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