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Zambian Watchdog – Zambia News Today

Journalists for the newspaper operate undercover and anonymously in Zambia, but the editors lived in exile due to threats in their lives.
The government has censored inside Zambia its official site and multiple linking pages to the posts, restricting the human right of freedom of speech. After the controversial 2016 presidential elections, the PF government blocked the Zambian Watchdog Facebook page. This was done after claims by the government that the Watchdog was inciting violence in the country through false and unprofessional reports, particularly claiming it supported the opposition UPND.
Journalists writing for the Zambian Watchdog frequently face state-sponsored persecution. Some are currently attending court trials on what they trumped human rights bodies, and local media associations claim up charges in a move perceived as state retribution.

Out of circulation

Out of Circulation

Times of Zambia

Zambia 24

Zambia Daily Mail

The paper soon became a mouthpiece for the government, publishing official statements and press releases, while being instructed to become an “instrument in nation building”. Zambia News Today
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Zambia News

Mwebantu is a national news agency headquartered in Lusaka and is the leading online news website and social media platform in Zambia. Mwebantu.com is their flagship website which is an online based news publication catering for local Zambians and those in the diaspora

News Diggers
News Diggers! is Zambia’s first multimedia publication focused on investigative journalism. It comprises a team of experienced journalists with a blend of new and dedicated talent eager to shape the art of digital journalism.

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Latest Local and World News in Zambia – World News Today