Uruguay News Today

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Uruguay News Today. Read the latest news of Uruguay, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Uruguay.

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Latest World and Regional News in Uruguay - El País
El País is an Uruguayan newspaper with a national circulation whose first edition was published in September 1918. It is the newspaper with the largest circulation in the country. It is published in Montevideo. Enter the digital edition, to read daily the news that matters to you.
Latest World and Regional News in Uruguay - La República
La República is a Uruguayan national daily newspaper published in Montevideo. Its founder and director is Federico Fasano Mertens. It was founded in May 1988. Enter the digital edition to read the news that interest you every day.
Latest World and Regional News in Uruguay
Latest World and Regional News in Uruguay - Últimas Noticias
Últimas Noticias is a Uruguayan newspaper with national circulation, which is published in Montevideo and was founded on September 18, 1981, with an evening edition. It belongs to the Grupo Empresarial de la Unificación, owned by the Unification Church. Its main topics are politics, economy, sports and current affairs. Its current director is Álvaro Giz, and it has several sections in its edition. Enter the digital edition to read daily the news that interest you.
Latest World and Regional News in Uruguay
Latest World and Regional News in Uruguay - El Observador
El Observador declares itself a defender of the principles of democracy and political and economic liberalism, of the family, of life and of a just social order. According to the newspaper, the keys for the newspaper to have developed and become what it is today are, according to its founder and current editor, Ricardo Peirano, a commitment to editorial quality in all the products they have made and the independence with which they have worked and with which they have sought that editorial quality. Ingress to the digital edition, to read daily the news that interests you.

Latest World and Regional News in Uruguay – World News Today

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