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The Latest World and Regional News in Nicaragua​. Read the latest news of Nicaragua, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Nicaragua.

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The Latest World and Regional News in Nicaragua - La Prensa
La Prensa is a Nicaraguan newspaper, with offices in the capital, Managua. Its current daily circulation is placed at 42,000. Founded in 1926, in 1932, it was bought by Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Zelaya, who had become editor-in-chief. He promoted the Conservative Party of Nicaragua and became a voice of opposition to Juan Bautista Sacasa, for which the paper was censored. He continued to be critical of dictator Anastasio Somoza García, who came to power in a coup d’état.
Twice the newspaper suffered the destruction of its building in earthquakes, in 1931 and 1972. Forces of Somoza attacked the newspaper’s offices in 1953 and 1956, and its work was repeatedly censored.
After Chamorro Zelaya died in 1952, his eldest son Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal succeeded him as editor-in-chief and a voice of opposition. He opposed the excesses of the Somoza regime and came into conflict with his criticism of the regime, including after 1956, when the son Luis Somoza Debayle succeeded his father.
The Latest World and Regional News in Nicaragua - La Jornada
The Latest World and Regional News in Nicaragua. La Jornada is a Nicaraguan newspaper, with offices in the capital, Managua. They found la Jornada in 1986 as a radio news program and then, in 1996, became a monthly magazine. In 2005, it became a digital newspaper.
The Latest World and Regional News in Nicaragua - El Nuevo Diario
El Nuevo Diario is a national newspaper of Nicaragua. Its offices are in Managua. It is the newspaper with the largest circulation in Nicaragua. They found it on May 19, 1980 by workers from the newspaper La Prensa, who were critical of its editorial line, close to the contra, and close to the Sandinista cause. At the request of its founding director Danilo Aguirre Solís, Xavier Chamorro accepted the idea that the founding workers of the alternative newspaper would take part in the company by buying shares with the money from their severance pay.
The Latest World and Regional News in Nicaragua - Hoy Newspaper
Hoy Newspaper – Its maxim is “The newspaper I love: Newspaper of Nicaragua’s popular news.”

The Latest World and Regional News in Nicaragua – World News Today

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