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Le Mauricien

Le Mauricien was founded in 1908 and celebrated its hundredth anniversary in 2008. Some former editors include Raoul Rivet, Andre Masson, Lindsay Riviere among others. The editor and director were Raoul Rivet from 1922 to 1957. “Le Mauricien” adopted the offset press in 1978 and subsequently experienced changes, namely by growing from four pages to the current forty-eight page daily edition. Its price has evolved as well. In 1978, the newspaper’s office was set on fire witch and was later deemed as a criminal act. Le Mauricien adopted a “midi” format known as the Berliner format in 2010. The pages increased to 48 and this becomes similar to leading papers elsewhere, like Le Figaro (France), The Guardian (UK). In 2012, Le Mauricien upgraded its website and aligned it with other papers where readers could send comments to published articles.
The Compact Tabloid Format
As from July 2014, “Le Mauricien” has adopted the compact tabloid format close to “The Times” of the UK. The pages have been reduced to 40 while the midi format was repealed. Compared to an older version of the same paper, the paper size is reduced by 55%. This adds to a new era in news publishing.
See also

Out of circulation. Lékip



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