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The first edition of Nova Makedonija came out on 29 October 1944, in Gorno Vranovci, and was written in unstandardized Macedonian language.
The unsuccessful privatisation of Nova Makedonija in 1994-1996 led to the disappearance of all its print outlets from the market, and the later entry of WAZ as the main foreign investor, with a resulting strong concentration in the print media sector (90% in 2003). WAZ withdrew in 2012, selling its publications to local investors.

In Friday, an addition called Magazin+ comes out together with the newspaper.

Dnevnik was first published on 20 March 1996. It is published every day except Sunday.
On Friday, a supplement called Antena is also published with the newspaper. On Saturday, Vikend is also published with Dnevnik.
Dnevnik ceased circulating on June 13th 2017.