Lithuania News Today

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Lithuania News Today. Read the latest news, written by regional journalism, watch editorials and International headlines on major online newspapers of Lithuania.

Latest World and Local News in Lithuania - Newspaper RESPUBLIKA
Respublika is a Lithuanian newspaper, published since 1989. Since 1991 it has published a Russian language edition.
In 1993 one of the founders, deputy editor-in-chief, and investigative journalist Vitas Lingys was shot to death in Vilnius after several death threats. Lingys wrote about organized crime and published several revealing stories about “Vilnius Brigade” crimes. Boris Dekanidze was found guilty for this crime and sentenced to death. He became the last person to be executed in July 1995 before the death sentence was abolished.
According to the TNS Gallup data, Respublika publication group is dominating in the country’s press market. Newspaper by Respublika publication group (daily Respublika (Lithuanian and Russian), Vakaro žinios, Šiaulių kraštas and Vakarų ekspresas) were read on average by 79.2% of all newspaper readers in early 2008.
Latest World and Local News in Lithuania - Lietuvos žinios
Lietuvos žinios was a daily newspaper in Lithuania. Established in Vilnius in 1909, it was a liberal newspaper representing the Lithuanian Democratic Party. Even though its publication was interrupted by World War I and Soviet occupation of Lithuania, Lietuvos žinios billed itself as the oldest newspaper in Lithuania.
In 1990, when Lithuania declared independence, the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania revived Lietuvos žinios as a newspaper for politics, culture and society. Its daily circulation peaked at some 30,000 copies and later plummeted. In 1993, it was acquired by the Achema Group. In 2010, it had a circulation of about 20,000 copies.The newspaper was discontinued on 30 April 2019.
Latest World and Local News in Lithuania - Lietuvos rytas.
“Lietuvos rytas” was established in 1990. The paper is printed in Vilnius on Tuseday, Thursday and Saturday. It has a liberal political leaning. “Lietuvos rytas” is part of “Lietuvos rytas” media group.
Additionally to the daily newspaper come the supplements “Rytai-Vakarai”, “Sostinė”, “Laikinoji Sostinė”, magazines “Stilius”, “Savaitgalis” (with “TV Antena”) and “Stilius Plius”. The online version of the paper was started in 2005.
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