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Seychelles Nation

The newspaper carries a selection of feature stories on specific days. These include human-interest, education, agriculture, sports, health, family and games. Letters and views from the readers on any subject and issues deemed constructive and informative are also published. Eleven pages of the newsprint are dedicated to advertisements and advertorials every day. After Seychelles gained independence from Great Britain on June 29, 1976, the newspaper, then called Seychelles Bulletin, changed its name to Nation. In 1984, the paper was renamed Seychelles Nation. In 2012, the paper’s design underwent a complete overhaul.
The paper is widely distributed to government ministries, departments, businesses, airlines and hotels, as well as subscribers. It has the widest circulation in the country, of between 3500 and 4000 copies. It is distributed every day to all the main islands from its office in the center of Victoria and distribution points around Mahé.
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Launched on 1st March 2011, TODAY in Seychelles is Seychelles’ first daily (except Sundays) independent color newspaper. The paper’s modern concept and layout, diverse and up-to-date information are all designed to cater to the needs and interests of all segments of our population as well as our international visitors. Seychelles News Today

Jeune Afrique
Seychelles : suivez tous les jours l’actualité du pays – Danny Faure – infos en temps réel.
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