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Right from its start, Dan was one of the harshest critics of Milo Đukanović’s regime in Montenegro. In May 2001, as Croatian magazine Nacional began a series of articles and insider interviews on state-sponsored cigarette smuggling in Montenegro under Djukanovic’s regime, Dan was the only media outlet in the country to bring the details of the ‘Nacional affair’ to the Montenegrin public.

The paper is published and managed by an entity called Daily Press d.o.o. – a limited liability company based in Podgorica.
Published under the “nezavisni dnevnik” (independent daily) mantra, the paper’s editorial policy was initially very much in favour of Milo Đukanović and his government’s policies and of his relations with Serbia. However, this editorial policy changed sometime after the 2006 Montenegrin independence referendum when Vijesti turned into Đukanović’s critics.